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Y Sunday, April 08, 2007

It's over boy,
every one can tell
no need to hide it from your friends
It's sad but it's true,
you've got yourself to blame
And you will never understand

Don't try to talk me into it again

I will believe it, when I see it
With my own eyes, no more lies
It I will believe it, when I receive
the love that makes me feel alive
I will believe it, when I see it
With my own eyes, no more lies
I will believe it, when I can't feel your love,
so now I realise
this is goodbye

This is goodbye

Let's face it boy,
it wasn't meant to be
You and me, don't you understand?
Don't try to talk me into it again
I will believe it, when I see it

With my own eyes, no more lies
I will believe it, when I receive
the love that makes me feel alive
I will believe it, when I see it
With my own eyes, no more lies
I will believe it, when I can't feel
your love, so now I realise
this is goodbye

This is goodbye

misshx` & hugg`

LOST.wiithoutt.YOO`!! <33
2:33 PM


dot dot..`!!
just now wake up jiiu qo cut my hair wiith my mummy, korr & meiix
my hair seem so guaii noRhhs..
is so ugly.. =((
siian siian`!!
is realli SHORT nOrhhs..
donno wadd to do noww.
later haii you work..
start 5 wors..
tiired nehhs.. `!!
bryan sayy wan send wo qo.. hees..
today he NOT workiinq.`!
bleahhs..`! =P

misshx` & hugg`

LOST.wiithoutt.YOO`!! <33
12:59 PM

Y Friday, April 06, 2007

jiiajun`!! CUTE boi =) haahaa..

jiianfeng.`!! vampire ..`! LOL.s

benny`!! shuaii ge..`!! hees.`!

wadd they doiin worrs ? is so LAME `!

LOL.s just edit finish photo.`!
yesterday went to DXO ..
butt can.t qo in cause we are LATE...
OMG.. ddon`t know how many time was lidat lehhs..
ass noRhhs.. stupid DXO.`!
tml maybe qoiinq again`!
haahaas.. bleahhs.`!
yesterday will abit drank..
hear miiaomiiao say BENNY was takeiinq care OF miie.`!
the whold NITEX..
can.t IMAGINE..
thankx load worrs..
stay att explanenet until 6 waitiinq for first bus..`! =))
wake up around 4 lidat bahhs..
playiinq BENNY handphone game..
haahaas.. he own miie one`BOX`of`sweet..`!!
LOL.s bleahhs..`!
6 jiiu qo wait for bus qo home lehhs..
take bus wiith miiaomiiao.. =))
reachhx home around 8 bahhs..
wad a SAD and FUN dayy `!
stop here lehhs.. qoiinq sleepi early todayy.`!
cause tml maybe yao qo DXO again`! haahaa..`!
donno wadd happen tml..
let WAIT and see bahhs..

misshx` & hugg`

LOST.wiithoutt.YOO`!! <33
11:43 PM

Y Wednesday, April 04, 2007

dott dott..`!!
wad a niice piic.. LOL.s
zhiiweii STOP sayyiinq ii boxiin horr..
ii ediit nii de piic too`!!
niice bahhs.. haahaa..`!!
so siian..`!! tml still need to work`!! haiix..
LIFE is so borinq`!! omG`!!
err.. donno he reacch home lehhs mahhsx..

haiis.`!!! somethiink qoiinq WRONG NOW`!!

realii miishh my 'baObeiis.deardeaRr` now`!!

donno wadd he doiinq now.. qot misshh miie mahhs`!


misshx` & hugg`


LOST.wiithoutt.YOO`!! <33
12:27 AM

Y Tuesday, April 03, 2007

ello.`!! qood morninq`!!
oppx.. sorryy qood afternoon..`!!
LOL.s triied triied`!
errr waiitiing for ALFRED.TER.HAN.SEN bath hao.`!
than later qoiinq AMK buyy thiinq than watch movie`!! =))
qoiinq watch 'Haunted School' =P
donno niice mahhs..
mmm thus comeiinq LOL.s
qoiinq DXO soon.`!! omG
haahaa..`!! <33

misshhxiinq my baObeiis deardeaRr NOW`!
donno wadd he doiinq worrs.. so long oso nebber msg wo de..`!
dot noRhhs..

misshx` & hugg`

LOST.wiithoutt.YOO`!! <33
2:50 PM

Y Friday, March 30, 2007

tired tired`!!! OFF 3dayy.. hees.. so qood.`!! bleahhs..
later qo BBQ wiith ALFRED & frenxii.`!! donno whyy sudd RAIN so biiq worrs..
misshhxiinq my baObeiis dearrdeaRr NOW.`!! haahaa..
muackkx`! hughugg`!
err... fiindinq de sonq in my blog now.. butt..... can.t find worrs`!! *sadded`!!
mmmm oso nothiinq much to blog..`!!
stop here lehhs.. when ii back from BBQ zaii blog bahhs..
takexcare`!! misshx & hugg`!!

LOST.wiithoutt.YOO`!! <33
2:20 PM

Y Saturday, March 24, 2007

ello.`!! LOL.s ii am back here again.`.! =)) err here ii blog, and ANS all of yoo de QNS.. LOL.s

1) zhiiweii.. `! errr.. haahaa.. fiine noRhhs.. com just hao noRhhs.. no laRhhs.. won.tt sad leRhhs.. no use CRYING for a STUPIID BOY like HIM.. haahaa.. =) huii rememeber wad nii say de.. thankx. loadd.`! hugg`

2) hongjun.`!! diiaO.. how come nii know ii got blog de .? hees.. wo arrhhs.. workiin noRhhs.. oso no tiime go outt arrhhs.. nii free than tell wo noRhhs.. ii see ii cann take OFF mahhs.. =)) iizziitt ? omG than sad case noRhhs.. haahaa.. LOL.s takecare.loadd`!

3) xue li .`!! hees.. yuqq noRhhs.. long time no see lehhs.. how yoo worrs. ? miie fine.. errr bryan arrhhs ? ii not sure nehhs.. thiink still don.t have stead bahhs.. WHY worrs ? anyway STOP hurtiin HIM agaiin.`! maybe he not eur type noRhhs.. nothiink muchh to sayy lehhs ..`!

4) BRYAN.NG.ZHI.MING.`!! LOL.s haahaa.. ''misshh yoo really loadd noRhhs `!'' yuqq larhs.. she mo dou shii nii jiiang.. whack nii arrhhs.. haahaa.. err.. xiiang.ni mahh ? abiit noRhhs.. haahaa.. jk laRhhs.. can.t yoo really mehhs.? ''MISSH YOO REALLY LOADS' nii blind arrhhs ? hahaaa..`!! =)) nii yao takecare okiies.. and try to .'FORGIVE and FORGET' don.t forget nii use to tell miie.. bleahhs.. `!! misshhx & hugg.`! smuackkx.

5) ming kai.`! hees.. wo arrhhs ? got steadd lehhs.. =)) whyy worrs ? than yoo ? haahaa.. tag miie noRhhs.. maybe now cann lehhs.. takecare`!

END. err anythiink tag miie noRhhs.. STOP askkiin miie blog =)) cause ii will be busyiin workiin.. hees.. bleahhs.`!! chatt wiith yoo all in MSN bahhs.. smuackkx`!

LOST.wiithoutt.YOO`!! <33
2:32 PM